So I've decided to stop this blog. It was meant to be a place for me to be able to vent my emotions in a non-harmful way, but unfortunately one of my more recent posts has upset someone else in the process, which I never meant to do.
Because of this, I'm going to create another blog for all my feelings to go to, which I will not publicise on facebook. If you wish to follow the new blog, I will send you a link (either on facebook, or to an email address - your choice). If hearing that I occasionally feel suicidal or like self-harming will upset you (not that I expect anyone to be happy or blasé about it, but if it will profoundly affect badly) then I'd advise you not to ask for the link. My blog will be where I write down all my thoughts and feelings - both good and bad.
I'm a little sad to leave this blog behind - there are posts I would like to keep, and I'm rather fond of the name - but needs must. So, goodbye from this blog. I hope life treats you well.