I also no longer buy or use deodorant. That's right, yet another social convention I am opting out of! Take that, society! =P
I was staying somewhere and hadn't packed any. After a few days, my body adjusted to this new routine of not blocking its pores with weird-smelling spray, and started regulating the amount of sweat I produced. And you know what? It's less! I barely sweat at all now that I've stopped using deodorant!
Also, I'm aware of my own smell now - yes, I have a smell! Like male people do! (Well, like all people do, but what with the all of the not having bodily functions (farting, burping, going to the toilet...), body hair, a smell is something we're also not meant to have.)
And it's awesome! I smell like a person, not like cans of deodorant which never really appealed to me anyway. Obviously, if I do vigorous exercise, like anyone, I will sweat. And that's normal. Not disgusting, or 'unfeminine', but human. I don't understand why society wants women to be these ridiculous caricatures with no human body functions. Then you might as well just have a sex doll. Oh wait, that's why...
Yes! It's true. I just can't get by without using anything, I've tried, but I love using natural crystal deodorant (you can get it from Holland and Barrett, it's made of 100% pure rock salt) because it doesn't stop your body from doing EXACTLY WHAT IT IS SUPPOSED TO DO. Grr.