Thursday, 18 July 2013


So apparently my family read my blog and consider it 'libelous' that I write about them and how they affect me. Well that's a joke. It's only libelous if what I write is untrue, and I told them that I'd willingly take something down if they didn't like it. My sister has told me that she hates me because of my blog and the fact that I've written about her, and says I'm really selfish for making everything about me and how upset I am. As if I'm 'just a bit upset' and making a big deal out of things. Um, hello - I have a mental illness. It's my blog about my life! If you want to block your ears about my depression and my struggle to recover then don't read the blog, and just live in blissful ignorance believing that everything's fine. Oh, and how about not upsetting me, and I won't have to write about it?
So, allegedly they all read it, yet no one has ever commented on the self-harming, suicidal ideation or the rape. Everyone just wants to pretend that it's all ok. They just had an argument with me about how it's fine to use the word gay as an adjective to mean rubbish/stupid (and actually said they meant it to mean 'lame' - hooray, ableist language! If you're not sure why I object to use of the word gay, read this:

Trigger warning: self harm

Since the depression I've tried to avoid confrontation, because it puts my brain in that really dark place that's hard to escape from. When I got up to leave the argument I was told that I was obviously leaving because they were right... *rolls eyes* I put out a cry for help on facebook but no one was about. There's some blood now and I'm feeling quite a lot calmer, but it's not quite enough. I'm not numb yet. I need to see more blood to quiet my brain and stop the cacophony going on in there.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

A bit of a rant

So I'm on holiday, in a place most people would love to be - white sandy beaches, palm trees, the lot - but I still feel like crap. I've been getting dizzy basically every day now at about the same time, and I'm pissed off. Doctors still don't know what it is or why it keeps happening, and every time it happens it makes me feel upset, a bit scared, and also angry. I'm angry that my body is doing this to me, that I can't just have a normal holiday with my family without stupid health problems. Any time I mention it to my parents they get all worried and overprotective and make a big deal out of it, which just makes me feel worse because they're making it into a 'thing', which I should be worried about.

Then there's just general crapness - I have dreams about Azariah and his family every single night, which obviously affect my mood when I wake up. Every little thing reminds me of him and the fact that I'm not with him any more, and that hurts so much. Every single bloody song on the radio or by the live bands is about love in some way, and I'm finding it really hard just to swallow the emotions down and pretend that everything's ok. Because this is a holiday, and I should be enjoying myself, and not moping or being depressed or feeling down.

Also I feel so lonely. My parents have each other to chat to, my sisters are very close to each other due to their age and I feel completely out of my depth with the way they communicate with each other. So much of their 'banter' just isn't how I communicate, and some of it genuinely sounds like insults. A few times now there have been remarks that have made me want to cry, not because they were directly hurtful to me, but because of what they imply about their beliefs. There was pointing and laughing at people for being fat. We saw a woman breastfeeding, and a huge deal was made about how 'gross' and 'disgusting' it was having her breast out in public, and how she should go somewhere private to do that sort of thing. Those sort of comments just make my blood boil, and there's so much I want to say about those views, but I don't feel emotionally able to cope with the arguments right now, and so I feel bad for not saying anything. It also seems a lot of the time like my sisters are deliberately trying to pick arguments with me or prove me wrong, so I've gone back to my default family setting of not really saying anything, and just giving in when people contradict me in order to avoid conflict.

I've also had really bad period pains the last couple of days, which haven't helped anything, and yesterday evening I had a complete breakdown. My emotions have been all over the place for a few days now. During the daytime my sister had used the word gay to mean rubbish/stupid, and when I asked her not to, she was quite aggressive and just said 'l can speak how I want.' I had to leave the table and go to the toilets to cry. Later we'd been listening to live music, and lots of songs were about love and I couldn't cope with that. Then I also got dizzy and came back to my room and had a good cry. I made some lychee tea to calm down, and was just about to drink it when I noticed that it contained tannins, which I've been having a bad reacting to recently, so I couldn't even drink it. That was the last straw. My brain just went to a bad place. I wanted to cry and smash things and cut myself - the only reasons I didn't was that I didn't have anything with me to sterilize the area or the implement. 

Oh yeah, and I managed to gain a stalker. *sighs* I'm too knackered to write a abut that now though, so that'll have to wait until another update.
Don't get me wrong, I haven't been down the whole time - most of the time I've enjoyed what we've been doing, but it's like the enjoyment happens while I'm doing something, and then is gone again and I'm back to my baseline of emotional feeling which I can only describe as 'meh'. But I suppose at least I'm able to experience enjoyment now, even if it is only temporary.

Saturday, 6 July 2013

You might not want to read this.

Trigger warning: self-harm, suicidal ideation.

Ok I just did something stupid. I was at a birthday party, everything was going fine until Azariah turned up, and I just couldn't cope. When I managed to actually talk to him all I wanted to do was kiss him and tell him how much I loved him. I thought I was doing so well - this week had been really pretty good and I had hardly been thinking about him until today.  Seeing him just brought it all back though - I got a lump in my throat, I felt sick, like I'd been punched in the stomach and just couldn't cope. I went inside and cried a lot, and eventually just had to leave.

I drove home and all I could think about was where I could crash my car safely enough not to harm anyone else, but fast enough to hurt or kill myself. I didn't, or I wouldn't be writing this.

I got home and was about to go on facebook and put out a cry for help, but then thought 'fuck that, I'm just going to cut myself'. I went upstairs and found the scalpel I'd bought a while ago to try cutting in a BDSM sense. Put on sterile gloves, sterilised the area and then made some cuts. The relief once the blood started welling up was enormous, and so calming. I just wanted to sit there watching it bleed. I can now understand why people do it. I cleaned the blood off and applied a dressing, so it's all fine medically.

Afterwards my head felt quieter, and a little numb. I can now think without my mind just screaming. I don't have many thoughts or feelings right now, which is actually quite nice.