Monday, 2 July 2012

Not crazy! Well, maybe not... =P

Since I was about 19 I've occasionally had some weird turns, which the doctors all thought were mini strokes. They were very scary, I've had hundreds of tests done, none of which can find anything significant wrong with me. Most of the doctors thought it was to do with the hole in my heart I had, which was closed when I was 19.

Anyway, I've finally been referred to a neurologist, who's absolutely amazing! After one session, he's narrowed it down to 3 possible things, taken a load of blood and other samples and as soon as he has the results he'll call me to arrange another appointment! I feel like I've finally found someone who knows what they're talking about, and actually cares about fixing me! =D

 I explained what happened when I had these turns, and he said he could immediately rule out mini-strokes (TIAs), MS (which I never thought it was anyway) and anything to do with my heart. Woohoo! He also had a list of 3 things he thought it could be: a rare type of migraine called a Basilar migraine, a rare genetic disorder called porphyria, and something else which I've forgotten.

I really hope it's just the weird migraine thing, it'd be such a relief to know it was just a migraine that was happening and not a possible stroke or heart problem! Fingers crossed that it's something easily treatable or preventable and I'll be all fixed soon!

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