Monday, 13 May 2013


Yeah, I don't have much of this. Some days I do - some days I think I'm freakin' awesome, I love my personality, I love my body, I find myself funny, attractive, and think everyone should love me! =P

*trigger warning for negative body image, fat hatred*  
At other times there's rather a lot of self-hatred going on in my head.

Why am I so fat? So hideous? So disgusting? What is wrong with my brain that I feel this about my own body? How can one brain hate the body that encases it so much? How could anyone possibly like/love me when I look like this? I'm repulsed by my own body.

*end trigger warning*

I can't understand how my own view of myself can vary so wildly, the two are so extremely against each other.

I think all bodies are amazing and wonderful and beautiful, and that no one should be judged on their size, yet I still believe that my body directly reflects my worth as a human being.

My friend The Box Ticker describes this contradiction well in her blog post on Doublethink. I like this term, it describes exactly what my brain is capable of doing. I don't like that I have these thoughts in the first place though, and am unsure how to stop them from happening, or at least make the negative ones a little less extreme and less often.

Any help gratefully appreciated!

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